Practical Tips for Being Your Own Health Advocate
By: Eleanor Wyatt
As a person with a disability, you have rights. The best way to remind people of that is by understanding your rights and advocating for your health and well-being.
We know it’s easier said than done. Being a self-advocate means studying your disability and rights, adopting an assertive approach, and learning how to express your needs to receive the respect you deserve. Doing so will help you improve and maintain your quality of life. Below, Real Abilities shares some essential tips for becoming a self-advocate for your health.
Prioritize Yourself
The first step is to resolve that you will prioritize your needs. This requires you to believe in yourself and your abilities to make intelligent decisions about your life. It also means being confident that you know precisely what you need to boost your quality of life.
You may not be a licensed professional, but you’re the person who matters most when it comes to getting the services and medication you need. Take time to list your self-advocacy goals to guide your steps going forward.
Learn Your Rights
Never forget that you have rights as a person with disabilities. And it’s up to you to know about the laws and court systems that impact your access to those rights. Yes, you’re entitled to equal rights, but you must understand them to pave a smooth path for yourself.
Fortunately, there are reliable books, websites, and communities you can consult to learn everything you need. Remember that you have the right to obtain information through your main language, whether it’s American Sign Language (ASL), braille, or large print. You can also get an interpreter for meetings and request documents in your main language or another format.
Stay on Top of Your Forms
You’ll deal with your fair share of documents, and it’s your job to keep your documents organized and promptly submit any necessary forms to your healthcare providers. This will help everything go smoothly and ensure you can get into your appointments quickly. It will also help you obtain your medical records and forward them to any specialists you see.
Digital tools can help you fill and sign PDF forms online. The right tool will let you complete documents digitally, so you don’t have to worry about printing and mailing them. You just upload the file into the platform, modify it, and download it to share.
Be Assertive
If you’re uncomfortable with being assertive, now is the time to get used to it. The only way to ensure you get what you need is to understand and know how to discuss your rights to accommodations, equipment, and services.
The most effective strategy is to keep your communication straightforward, brief, and pushy when necessary. Remember that any agency representative you speak to will have your medical records on hand; skip your history and get right to the point of what you need.
That said, there’s no need to be aggressive. Even if you disagree with someone or their approach, you can communicate your issue assertively while maintaining a good relationship. Working well with others is your best path to finding the right solutions.
Make Healthy Choices
Finally, your everyday choices also impact your health and well-being. Take control of what you can by maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Start by reevaluating your diet to ensure you’re giving your body the nutrients it needs. And incorporate physical activity into your routine. Carve out a space at home for exercises that accommodate your disability, and find movements you can do throughout your busy workday. It’s also crucial to develop a sleep routine, modify your bedroom, and take any other necessary steps to get at least seven hours a night.
Your best health advocate is yourself, even if you have an awesome support system. Take time to study your rights as an individual with disabilities and learn how to communicate them effectively to healthcare providers and other organizations. Use PDF fillers and any other tools that can help you stay on top of things, and learn to be assertive about your needs. Lastly, embrace a healthy lifestyle to boost your overall well-being.