How to Encourage Children with Learning Disabilities to Explore the Arts
By Lydia Chan
You’ll have a difficult time finding a kid who doesn’t enjoy singing, dancing, acting, painting, drawing, or making music. These activities are a wonderful way to channel their imagination and help them develop various skills to take with them into other aspects of life. Kids with learning disabilities are no exception. This guide from Real Abilities discusses the benefits the arts can have on learning disabled children and how to encourage them to get involved.
Performing with peers gives children a chance to work on their social skills and learn how to cooperate with others in a collaborative setting. Reading through scripts and memorizing lines is a fun way for children to improve their vocabulary and reading fluency. Plus, talking about the meaning and symbolism in a script can help children practice their critical thinking skills. If your kid shows interest in acting, talk to your community theatre or church about upcoming plays that your child could be involved in.
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Making Music
Children who face problems communicating with others may find relief through music, because it may help them feel a greater sense of inclusion. Music also helps with memorization and pattern recognition. Get your child a musical instrument, enroll them in singing lessons, or sign them up for your school’s music program.
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Visual Arts
Creating visual art through painting, drawing, sculpting, or crafting is a good way to help kids practice problem-solving and critical-thinking skills. Besides simply encouraging them to paint or doodle, encourage them to challenge themselves by trying something new. Working with different mediums helps build hand-eye coordination and offers a self-esteem boost as they master new techniques to create their works of art.
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Parents of children with learning disabilities can help their kids discover new passions by planning activities and engaging with them, so get involved yourself! Who knows? If you find your own passion, or if you have a knack for helping children explore different artistic mediums, there could be a lucrative business opportunity in your near future. All you need is a vision, an LLC and a business plan, and you’ll have the makings for your own home business!
Also, try to be supportive and offer concrete positive comments on what your child is doing well. Praise will help build their self-esteem and encourage further exploration of their creativity.