William Shatner Steps into Help Boy with Autism
When dad Reed Botwrights posted to social media in a desperate attempt to find one of the few foods his son will eat, he did not expect the large response he received. Botwrights’ son, Everett, has autism and is very picky about what he eats. They recently stumbled upon Kraft’s Star Wars limited edition Mac and Cheese at the grocery store and Everett was eager to try it. To the family’s pleasant surprise Everett loved the mac and cheese. They bought all of the boxes they could find, but because since they were limited edition, the supply was low. Botwrights posted to social media and the post became so viral that William Shatner got involved. Shatner tweeted Kraft Foods to see what they could do. Kraft Foods responded by finding 12 cases or 144 boxes of the mac and cheese in an American warehouse and sending the boxes to the family for free. They will have enough Star Wars mac and cheese to last them until Everett goes to college. Read the full article here