The 7 Things That General Education Students Should Know About Special Education Students
The 7 Things That General Education Students Should Know About Special Education Students
1. They do not work any less than you do, actually they may work harder. Although the work may seem simple at times, these students fully invest in their work and are pushed to excel.
2. You can have a conversation with them. They have many of the same interests as you because they are kids just like you. They enjoy playing Minecraft, playing sports and watching Nickelodeon among many other things.
3. It is not acceptable to speak to them like babies. They are NOT. They are the same age as you and thus should be treated that way.
4. They eat lunch in the classroom because they haven’t been invited to eat with you. They do not need to be separated from the rest of their grade-they just might feel more comfortable that way.
5. Special Education is not synonymous with dumb. So, think twice before you joke to one of your friends that they should be in Special Ed because they did something dumb.
6. They want to be treated as equals…because THEY ARE.
7. You can learn a lot from them if you just gave them a chance.
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