Dad Creates Device to Help Parents of Wandering Special Needs Kids
Parents who put their kids on leashes are often looked down upon, but with wandering causing 32 fatalities in 2015 alone (according to the National Autism Association), what is a parent, especially a parent of a child with autism, to do? This is where Doron Somers and his company Angel Sense come in. Somers, who has a son with autism, created this company after hearing the devastating news of an 8-year-old boy who drowned in a creek after wandering off. Angel Sense creates wearable GPS devices to allow parents to track their children. The device sends text alerts to keep parents knowledgeable about their kids’ whereabouts and to discover if a child is somewhere he/she should not be. This New Jersey-based company has the ability to save lives, since The American Academy of Pediatrics reports that nearly half of all children with autism will wander off before they turn 17. Doron Somers’ entrepreneurial spirit will not only benefit him, but will benefit the large number of parents whose children are prone to wandering, as well.
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