Ho Ho Ho Sensory Friendly Santa Coming to a Mall Near You
Thanksgiving is over and the holiday season has officially begun. Anyone who has ever been to the mall during the month of December knows that with the holidays comes mall Santas. Those mall Santas bring joy to many kids, but they can be overwhelming for individuals with autism. For this reason, Autism Speaks partnered with Noerr Programs Corporation for the second year of their sensory-friendly Santa programs. The programs, called “Caring Santa” in Simon Malls and “Santa Cares” and “Sensitive Santa” in Washington Prime Group Malls, provides a more controlled and welcoming environment for families with children with autism to interact with Saint Nick. On Sunday, November 20thand Sunday, December 4th for two hours before the mall opening, 180 malls across the country will be offering sensory-friendly Santas. Check out more on this program and register to schedule an appointment here.