Marines Partner With Toys For Tots to Give Presents to Children With Autism and Disabilities
Toys for Tots is an honorable organization that collects toys for children who may other wise not receive any. This year Toys for Tots and the U.S Marines is spreading its services to children on the autism spectrum. They partnered up to provide the non-profit organization Peer Pals with toys. Peer Pals is a non-profit sensory-friendly play place based in Oyster Bay, New York where children on the autism spectrum can play with other children with disabilities as well as typically developing children. The place just recently opened and the problem was that they had no toys for the kids to play with. Now thanks to the Marines and Toys for Tots, Peer Pals has $20,000 dollars worth of toys for its 200 plus families to enjoy. Read more about Peer Pals, Toys for Tots and the Marines here