Chuck E Cheese to Host Sensory Sensitive Sundays
With special sensory friendly shopping hours, JC Penny gave families with children with sensory issues the ability to go back to school shopping and Toy R Us gave the ability for children with sensory issues to enjoy toy shopping. Now Chuck E Cheese is jumping on the sensory friendly band wagon by teaming up with the Center for Autism and Related Diseases (CARD), to give children a toned-down arcade experience. The event is hosted at a Chuck E Cheese in Attleboro, MA on the first Sunday of every month. The store is calling the experience “Sensory Friendly Sunday.” In a press release the Attleboro store manager stated "We are excited to provide a special opportunity every month for sensory sensitive families to enjoy their favorite pizza and games in a safe and friendly environment of tolerance and understanding," The events started on November 4th and lasted from 9 am to 11 pm. Additional to the Attleboro location, a store in Glen Burnie, MD holds the same kind of events every second Sunday of the month. These stores are setting a great example and hopefully this idea will spread to Chuck E Cheeses across the nation. Read more about these events here.