Target’s New Halloween Ad Features A Child With Disabilities
Parents of children with disabilities were pleasantly surprised when they got their Target monthly catalog in October. The catalog featured a girl with arm crutches in an Elsa costume from Frozen. She was smiling and having a good time just like all the other kids in the ad. One mom took to Facebook to share her excitement. She shared that “My daughter (with arm crutches and prosthetic legs) is going to FLIP when she sees this!” This is not the first time Target has included individuals with disabilities in their ads. In fact, Target’s chief marketing officer, Jeff Jones, told the Huffington Post that it is important to the company to include individuals with disabilities in their ads and they have been doing such for 25 years. I think that mom, Jen Kroll, said it best in her post: “Normalizing disabilities in children is priceless.” Read the full article here